All Collections Platform
How to Invite Users to
How to Invite Users to
Updated over a week ago


Whether you are a Clinician or Organization admin, you can invite clinicians you know to join the platform, as well as share upcoming events with your colleagues.

Invite Users to Join

To invite a clinician you know to join, click on Invite Your Network in the header menu, as shown in the gif below.


On this page, you will have the option to input an email address and send an invite directly from An example of what this email looks like is shown below. Alternatively, you can copy the link provided and send it to a clinician through the channel of your choice. This link will take the user directly to the registration page.


Share an Upcoming Event

In addition to inviting clinicians to join the platform, you may also invite individuals to a specific CE event. You can share the event details to Facebook, LinkedIn, or by email to let your colleagues know you will be attending.

Find the event you would like to share under My Events or CE Events. Clicking on the event will bring you to the Event Details Page. Here you will see three icons, as shown below, which will allow you to post to Facebook, LinkedIn, or share a link to the event page via email.

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