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Political Content
Updated over a week ago

Approved and effective: 12/7/2020
Last reviewed and revised: 5/25/2021

Policy Brief & Purpose

This policy addresses user content which may be construed as covertly or overtly political in nature. The Trusted Provider Network does not claim to endorse or represent any political view or set of views. However, recognizes that professional associations and organizations often take political standpoints in their efforts to advocate for and empower their respective professions, the ethical standards of those professions, and their members.


This policy pertains to all users, including those with individual and organizational level profiles. All forms of communication hosted by or associated with is subject to this policy.


  1. TPN understands the need for professional associations to assume political standpoints and endorse public policies that represent the interests of the associations and their members.

  2. will continue to support professional associations and endorse the membership of those associations because of the unification, organization, advocacy, and support they provide to behavioral health professionals.

  3. However, must maintain a neutral and non-partisan position in order to provide a safe, equitable, inclusive, and just environment so that its users may thrive, utilize, and benefit from the platform, the network itself, and its many features.


  1. TPN will be free to promote the rights of its users to exercise their civic duty by voting, canvassing, or otherwise participating in political activities that support or uphold their profession.

  2. will refrain from commenting on or endorsing political candidates, legislation, or any other political position or activity.

  3. may respond by removing political content in publicly viewable channels when it becomes evidently disruptive to the community and cannot be resolved through public discourse.

  4. All forms of hate speech will be removed immediately from any medium. policy on hate speech can be reviewed for further detail and definitions.

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